Discover Your Chronotype: The Key to Better Sleep and Optimal Productivity

Have you ever been labeled an “Early Bird” or a “Night Owl"?
You might think that means you prefer to stay up late or wake up early... but guess what?
This is actually determined by something in your biology called your “chronotype” and it has a huge impact on your sleep.
So let's delve into how to identify your chronotype and what it means for your sleep quality and productivity.

What's a Chronotype and How Does It Affect Your Circadian Rhythm?

Your chronotype refers to the time of day your body is programmed to send you sleep signals or wake signals. It's what determines your circadian rhythm, aka. your body clock.
But while most people aren't even familiar with the term, understanding your chronotype can have a huge impact on your sleep quantity, sleep quality, productivity, and overall well-being.

The Chronotype Spectrum: From Early Birds to Night Owls

Chronotypes are often described in two categories: early birds and night owls. But chronotypes are actually part of a spectrum that sleep experts generally divide into at least three categories:

1. Morning Type/Early Bird/Lion:

If you’re an “early bird” or "lion," you start getting wake signals early in the morning and sleep signals early in the evening. So you wake up early, full of energy, but start losing steam by late afternoon and get tired early in the evening. Even when they go to bed late, early birds usually have a hard time sleeping in.

2. Intermediate Type/Hummingbird/Bear:

If you're a "hummingbird" or "bear," you get wake signals by mid-morning and sleep signals by mid to late evening. According to Dr. Michael Breus, author of The Power of When, about 50% of the population falls into this category. If you're unsure of your chronotype, chances are you're an intermediate type.

3. Evening Type/Night Owl/Wolf:

If you’re a "night owl" or "wolf," you don't get wake signals until late morning and don't get sleep signals until late at night. Night owls feel most alert in the evening when most others are winding down and don't feel sleepy until roughly midnight or later. They also typically find it hard to wake up early.
Night owls often have the hardest time with sleep because the world is generally designed around morning and intermediate schedules. For example, if you're a night owl working "normal hours," you’re waking up when your body’s still primed for sleep, and trying to fall asleep when your body is still primed to be awake. It's like you're jet-lagged. Every. Single. Day.
But the same can be true for an early bird working a late shift or anyone working an overnight shift.
And chronotypes don't just determine your ideal bedtime and wakeup time, but also what times of your day you're most productive and when you're more prone to high and low energy levels.
So by aligning your activities with your biological clock, you can not only optimize your sleep but also optimize your productivity and your general well-being.


Our New FREE TRAINING, "How to Get the Quality Sleep You Need Without Medication, Meditation, Quitting Caffeine, or Giving Up Screens" is packed with tips and insights to kickstart your Sleep Fix journey and teach you all about our Sleep Fix Method course.


I’m on a mission to help you sleep better with practical, evidence-based solutions. 

As a professional news anchor and correspondent, I saw my own sleep and health deteriorate for years. I tried one standard sleep tip after another. But they either didn’t work, or seemed completely unrealistic — and in some cases both. 

So I used my experience as a journalist and problem solver to research and consult with experts and patients all across sleep science. Together they helped me create actionable fixes that are practical, easy to understand and, most importantly, really work! 


Keeping a sleep diary is often the first thing a sleep specialist will tell you to do and it can be an incredibly valuable tool, whether you’re tackling your sleep problems yourself or seeking professional help.



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